5 Public speaking Myths debunked
Public speaking is an art of expressing yourself effectively to people and to influence them in some form or way by just using words. Public speaking allows us to form connections, influence people & decisions and to motivate people to change. Communication plays an important role in our lives and public speaking is one of the most effective ways of communication. Here are a few myth busters surrounding public speaking :
1. Good speakers are born orators : No one is born with such talent. The best of the best speakers were able to achieve this by consistent effort. The main key to being a great orator is to speak confidently. Confidence and consistent efforts to improve yourself is the key.
2. Introverts are not good at public speaking : Being an introvert has nothing to do with public speaking. In fact introverts are better speakers as they put in extra efforts to present themselves as a good speaker. Susan Cain the founder of The Quiet Revolution is an Introvert but her TED Talk video has a few million views. She was terrified of public speaking but with consistent effort and patience she was able to achieve it.
3. You need to memorize your speech to be a good speaker : Memorizing a speech sounds like a recital. You don't have to memorize your speech at all. All you need to now is the key points that your speech is based on and you are good to go.
4. You need to know big words : Big words are not needed for you to give a speech which leaves an effect on your audience. The way you express yourself during the speech and the points that you cover leaves an impact on the audience more than the big and complicated words that are used.
5. You will go on stage and forget everything : What we believe we become. You have already practiced your speech so many times before you finally deliver it. You will remember at least a few points while you are delivering your speech. You can use the points that you remember to develop further into your speech. Unlike what we think, the audience is here to support us and listen to our speech and not to make fun of us.
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